Research and Diagnostic Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases (RCEID), established in 2005, is a center devoted to research and diagnosis on emerging infectious diseases at Khon Kaen University. RCEID is an interdisciplinary team that comprises of clinicians, bacteriologists, virologists, immunologists, technicians, postgraduate and post-doctoral students, as well as several collaborators from other organization. RCEID has strong commitment to conducting state-of-the-art research, inventing modern laboratory diagnosis service, dissemination of research results as well as collaborating with other research groups on emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases to serve as an excellent research center that is forefornt of the field.


“ ศูนย์วิจัยด้านโรคติดเชื้อและภูมิคุ้มกันวิทยาระดับโลก ที่เป็นเลิศด้านวิจัย นวัตกรรม บูรณาการร่วมกับการบริการสู่สังคม ”

World class research center for infectious diseases and immunology that excellent in research & innovation integrated with  services to society
